What’s new at the burrow?

Do you get excited about Easter every year? The Easter bunny is on its way and who can resist the chocolate? Up in a tree, under the table, hiding in a draw....the egg hunt takes us high and low. How about some Les 2 Marmottes with your eggs this year?

Gourmet Blends

When your Easter basket is overflowing...

Chocolate, huge family meals, desserts... There are no half-measures at Easter! Your basket is well filled, your taste buds delighted....your liver groaning.

To help you with all the excess we've put together some blends to make you feel better, like Digestive Cocktail, Fennel and Back in Shape Tea.

Healthy, simple, natural drinks that will come to your rescue over the Easter period.

For some people, the best response to temptation is simply to give in to it.

Herbal teas can also be very, very tasty!  Apple-Cinnamon, Strong Spicy Tea or Mint Liquorice.  Blends to go with and even replace your sweet treats.

With Les 2 Marmottes, you get all the sweetness without the sugar, guilt-free! Our teas only contain plants and nothing else. 

Fondant, brownie, chocolate mousse... Easter desserts abound...

For a perfect match, you can accompany them with a Mint Tea Olé with or a Fruit Blend tea

Chocolate Addict? Try a 0 calorie brew with all the tasty goodness of cocoa with Cheeky Cocoa.

Digestive herbal blends can help after too much chocolate
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